Four Indicators Of A Washing Machine In Need Of Repair

Just because your washing machine powers on and completes the wash cycle does not mean it works properly. There are a variety of signs that can indicate an issue with these machines, even when they appear to clean your clothes. As with most other appliances, failing to repair an issue early will only lead to even more significant issues, so it is important for you to be able to recognize the signs of a problem early. 

Wet Clothes

The washing machine spin cycle is designed to remove leftover water from the rinse cycle. When there is an issue with the spin cycle, clothes left in the drum will be soaking wet and, essentially, be too wet to place inside the dryer. If you find that you have to reactivate the spin cycle several times to get water out of your clothes, this is an indication that there is a problem. 

Excessive Noise

There is no such thing as a quiet wash cycle, but typically, if you close the door or move to another area of the house, the noise should not be intrusive. When a machine is excessively loud, the issue could be indicative of a problem with the drum, which is the area of the machine where you insert your clothing. This excessive noise is often followed by excessive vibrations when the machine is in use. 

Prolonged Cycle Times

Another issue to keep an eye out for is a prolonged cycle length. Newer machines move through the cleaning cycle using sensors. For example, with the spin cycle, the machine uses sensors to measure the wetness of the load to determine when the clothes move from soaking wet to damp. When these sensors start to fail, the length of time it takes to complete a cleaning cycle might be extended. Look for other signs that the machine is taking longer to complete a cycle.  

Water Leaks

Water on the floor clearly indicates something is wrong with your washing machine. Often, this problem is associated with a loose connection, which is typically easy to repair. However, the problem sometimes results from failing hoses inside the machine or even a crack in the drum that allows water to leak from the inside. Whatever the case, you must address this issue promptly, as the leaking water can potentially cause additional damage around your home. 

If you notice these or any other issues with your washing machine, contact an appliance repair professional at your earliest convenience for washer and dryer repairs
